The colorful Snowdrop art is like the scent of the wind from back then. It is a work that seeks to explore one’s inner truth. It reminds us to love ourselves more, to accept ourselves as we are, and to face ourselves, experiencing the joy and beauty of that process. It allows us to accept the beauty and diversity of the world without being disturbed by the negative news and messages around us.

Through Snowdrop’s art, we are guided towards a pleasant escape into the universal beauty that exists within all of us.

“Overview” Snowdrop’s art is like a rainbow explosion on your screen! It’s a wild and trippy journey that takes your eyes on an adventure to a funky and surreal world. Each pixel on Snowdrop’s canvas is like a tiny little party, all dancing to their own beat and making a beautiful visual symphony together. Looking at Snowdrop’s art is like taking a big gulp of the brightest and sweetest soda pop. It’s a colorful and refreshing treat that makes you feel like a kid again.

カラフルなたくさんのスノードロップのアート。 あの時の風の匂い。 これは、自身の内面的な真理を追求する作品。 自分自身をもっと好きになる、ありのままの自分を受け入れることや、自分自身と向き合うこと、その喜びや美しさを思い出させてくれます。 あなたの周りにあるネガティブなニュースやメッセージに動揺することなく、その世界の美しさや多様性を受け入れさせてくれます。


“Overvew” SnowdropのカラフルなNFTアートは、画面上で虹が爆発を起こしたかのようなビジュアルです!いつの間にかワイルドでトリッピーな旅路に連れ去られ、ファンキー且つ、シュールな世界に目を奪われます。 Snowdropのキャンバスでピクセルそれぞれが、小さなパーティーをしているかのように自分自身のリズムで踊り、美しい視覚的なシンフォニーを演出しています。 それまるで、ごくりと飲んだ、まぶしくて、甘酸っぱいソーダのような味わい。あのときの子供に戻ったような、カラフルでリフレッシュするような体験をあなたに。

Hello, nice to meet you. I am a business owner in the Kanzakigawa area of Osaka, Japan. I have created NFT art to revitalize the region. I usually draw pictures and work with local artists on art direction, as well as developing and selling new products to promote regional revitalization.

In 2022, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we launched 75 fireworks as a volunteer activity to express our gratitude towards the healthcare workers who have been supporting the strained medical system. It was a very moving experience. In order to continue this activity this year and connect it to the future and children in the region, I resigned as the head of the organization and aim to create a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) with greater transparency and no official positions.

One of the projects under this initiative is “Disco and Wasabi Nuts” (D.A.W.N). Starting with this NFT art, we aim to create a community for regional revitalization where everyone can participate by treating the artwork as a governance token.